Fortress 요새
2015, HD video, 28 min 20 sec

Video stills
The work was filmed with five characters — three Korean actors and the two Bangladesh actors who were migrant workers in Korea — at Boan Art Space, a former motel built in 1936 near the presidential house in Seoul. This old building is a fortress where they train themselves to be ready for unknown dangers, have a conversation about their dream homes and where they would like to die, and have meetings to discuss their whereabouts whether to leave or to stay.
작품의 촬영장소인 보안여관은 1936년에 지어진 이후 여러 시인들이 머물었던 장소이다. 3명의 한국 배우와 이주민 노동자였던 2명의 방글라데시 배우들로 구성된 5명의 멤버들에게 이 장소는 요새이자 보호처로 이들은 이곳에서 살고 싶은 장소, 죽음의 장소, 어디로 떠날지 혹은 머물어야 하는지에 대해 토론하고 밖의 위험에 맞서 훈련한다.
Exhibition view, Doubtful Nest, Boan Art Space, Seoul, 2015
Exhibition history 전시 이력:
Solo Exhibition, Doubtful Nest, Boan Art Space, Seoul, 2015
Solo Exhibition,
Displaced, Videotage, Hong Kong, 2016
Carpenter's Scene, Insa Art Center, Seoul, 2019
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