2003, installation and video, 2.5m (H) x 1.5m(W) x 1.5m(D), video duration: 2 min 58 sec
This work is about psychological disorders in certain environments. It expresses mental distresses such as agoraphobia and claustrophobia, and the conflict of the comfort of one's dwelling versus the desire and pressure of escape to a different atmosphere.
The yellow synthetic tapes were used to cover the whole room as well as the performer.
이 작업은 환경과 강박증을 다룬다. 광장공포증이나 폐쇄공포증과 같이 자신의 내부에 잠재 되어있는 심리적 압박감, 태어나고 살아온 곳과 그 곳과는 다른 환경에서 느끼는 안정감과 이질감, 그리고 서식지를 벗어나고픈 욕망 등의 감정을 동일한 색과 재료로 제작한 세트와 의상을 이용하여 표현한 퍼포먼스/영상 작업이다.

Exhibition view, multiple personality disorder, Gallery JungMiSo, Seoul, 2004
Exhibition History 전시 이력:
Solo Exhibition,
multiple personality disorder, Gallery JungMiSo, Seoul, 2004
Three perspectives through the Body, Gallery an. dan.te, Seoul, 2007
Cartography of the Real, National Museum of Fine Arts, Almaty, 2016
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